MMRP Purchase Assistance Grant
We are no longer accepting applications.
Program Overview
The Micro-Market Recovery Program (MMRP) has been updated! The MMRP Purchase Assistance Grants now provide $30,000 in down-payment assistance for the purchase of a home in one of the City of Chicago’s MMRP Areas. The current MMRP community areas include: Auburn Gresham; Austin; Chatham; Greater Grand Crossing; Chicago Lawn; West Garfield Park; Englewood; West Englewood (new); Hermosa; West Humboldt Park; Humboldt Park; New City; West Pullman; Roseland (new); South Shore; Woodlawn (new); Fuller Park (new); North Lawndale (new); South Lawndale (new).
The MMRP Grant Funds may be used for purchase assistance grants to eligible homebuyers at the time of their purchase of a residential property in an MMRP Target Area.
General Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for a MMRP Purchase Assistance Grant:
- The property must be located in one of the City of Chicago’s expanded MMRP Areas – Click here to to see if the home you are looking to purchase is located in an MMRP Area.
- A combined household income at or below 120% of Area Median Income (AMI). Meet household income requirements. See income eligibility chart below;
- Purchasing a 1-4-unit residential property or condominium home as your primary residence;
- A purchase contract signed by both parties and a pre-approval from a lender;
- Completed at least 8 hours of HUD-approved home ownership counseling;
- If purchasing a 2-4 unit property, attend a Landlord Training that includes information on the Cook County Landlords Ordinance;
- No outstanding City of Chicago debt (e.g. unpaid fines, tickets, etc.);
- Subject to an independent home inspection, with cost of inspection included as part of closing costs;
- Subject to a recorded covenant/grant recapture agreement;
- Homebuyer is to remain as an owner-occupant in the home for five years;
- Contribute a minimum 1% down payment and securing a standard 30-year fixed-interest first mortgage loan. Grants cannot be paired with adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), interest-only loans or buydowns;
- Grant is compatible with either a Conventional Loan or FHA financing.
Income Eligibility
MMRP Purchase Assistance Grants are available to low and moderate-income households earning up to 120% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the Chicago Metropolitan Area as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development towards home purchase.
Please see table below to determine if you meet the income eligibility requirement. Household size and income will be verified by using tax returns and other financial documents during the application process. Please refer to the list of required documents you will need to complete the application process.
If you are not sure about your income eligibility, please call NHS Client Services at 773-329-4111 or email mmrp-dpa@nhschicago.org.
Number Of People In Your Household |
Household Size 120% Income Limit |
1 Person | $94,200 |
2 Person | $107,640 |
3 Person | $121,080 |
4 Person | $134,520 |
5 Person | $145,320 |
6 Person | $156,120 |
7 Person | $166,920 |
8 Person | $177,600 |
9 Person | $188,400 |
10 Person | $199,200 |
(Area Median Income (AMI) for the Chicago Metropolitan Area effective as of April 1, 2024, per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.)
Document Requirements
After you check your address and complete the on-line application, you will receive an email with a link to our NLS connect portal and instructions for uploading documents.
Required documents to qualify:
- Property buyer’s Illinois drivers’ license or state ID. Please include licenses for ALL buyers.
Proof of Income:
- Two most recent years (2021-2022 (2020-2021 if 2022 are not prepared)) of Federal Income Tax Returns with all schedules attached for all household members 18 years of age and older. Illinois State Tax Returns are NOT needed.
- Two most recent years (2021-2022 (2020-2021 if 2022 are not prepared)) W-2 statements for all household members 18 years of age or older.
- Three most recent (past 30-days) paystubs for all household members 18 years of age or older.
- 2023 Social Security award letter showing the MONTHLY amount awarded for all household members 18 years of age or older that receive Social Security income.
- 2023 Pension Statement showing the MONTHLY amount awarded for all household members 18 years of age or older that receive pension income.
- Notarized letter of no income certifying that there was no income or unemployment income for any applicable household members 18 years of age or older. Letter must be signed by the household member declaring no income.
- Notarized letter if you do not file Federal Income Tax Returns due to being on a fixed income (i.e., on Social Security and/or a pension) for all household members 18 years of age or older. Letter must be signed by the household member declaring they do not need to file tax returns.
- 3 most recent months of Bank Statements
- Affidavit Concerning Household Size and Income
Home Purchase Documentation:
- Executed Purchase Sales Contract (signed by borrower & seller) with copy of Earnest Money Deposit Check ($1000.00 for Conventional & $500.00 for FHA Loans)
- Lender Pre-Approval Letter
- Home Inspections, Construction Bids and Specifications that you have presented to your Lender (if any)
Training Certificates:
- Homebuyer Education Certificate
- Landlord Training Certificate ( if property being purchased has 2 or more units)
Documents Required Prior to Closing (First Mortgage Lender Documents and Appraisal):
- Final 1003 Uniform Residential Loan Application
- 1008 – Transmittal Summary
- Title Commitment
- Loan Estimate (must reflect zero cash back at closing)
- Lender Commitment Letter
- Closing Disclosure
- Appraisal
If you are not able to provide the documents in the first list electronically and upload them to your NLS Connect Portal Account, please visit an NHS office near you, email mmrp-dpa@nhschicago.org (please include the name of the grant in the subject line), or call our Client Services team at (773) 329-4111 for further assistance.
Have Questions?
Please email our Grants Team at mmrp-dpa@nhschicago.org or call NHS Client Services at 773-329-4111.
Application Intake Closed
We are no longer accepting applications.