Appraisal Equity Campaign
Committed to reforming the appraisal system and
protecting your home value.
What is an appraisal?
An appraisal determines the value of your home when you are trying to buy a home, refinance, or sell. Appraisers are in charge of determining this value, but sometimes their estimation can be lower than expected. This happens more often to Black and Brown homeowners, and data shows that it is prevalent in neighborhoods of color.
Redlined Redefined
Today’s data shows that unequal access to credit is the driving force perpetuating the homeownership and racial wealth gap.
Our Policy Associate, Falon Young, debunks the myths of the appraisal process in an op-ed.

Share Your Story
We are currently collecting the stories of homeowners and homebuyers who have had a negative experience with appraisers and/or have received low appraisals.
All information shared on this survey is private and confidential.